Homepage of Hai Hu

My name is 胡 (Hu) 海 (Hai), but in English people say it in the reverse way, which sounds more like: Hi! Who?

oops, where is the photo?

I am an Assistant Professor in the Translation Department at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

I work in the field of Computational Linguistics (or Natural Language Processing), which involves building, evaluating and interpreting computational models that understand and produce human languages.

I received my PhD degree in (Computational) Linguistics from the Department of Linguistics at Indiana University Bloomington (IU). I was very lucky to be advised by Larry Moss (Math) and Sandra Kübler (Computational Linguistics). I also work closely with Chien-Jer Charles Lin and Patrícia Amaral at IU.

Before IU, I got my BA in English and MA in English linguistics at Renmin University of China. I spent one year at Universität Tübingen as an exchange student and learned some Schwäbisch German :)

Chengdu is my hometown, which is also home to pandas :panda_face:, hot pot :stew:, all kinds of spicy and non-spicy food, and :mahjong:.

My research interests: natural language inference, Chinese linguistics, language variation and change, natural language understanding corpus annotation, stylistic properties of translations. See my Publications (mostly up to date) or Google Scholar page for papers and more information.

OUR LAB is constangly HIRING students who are interested in computational linguistics.

You can reach me at: hu.hai at sjtu.edu.cn