CL lab
The computational linguistics (CL) lab at School of Foreign Languages (SFL), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
1) various aspects (mostly syntax, semantics and pragmatics) of human languages through computational modelling
2) Natural Language Processing, with a specific focus on benchmarking language models in language understanding
3) comparing language acquisition in humans and language models
Our lab is equipped with several deep learning servers for training and evaluating state-of-the-art language models. Currently we have two master students and several undergraduate students working in the lab. They come from diverse backgrounds: linguistics, computer science, information engineering, translation, language studies (English, German, Chinese), etc.
We are actively recruiting students interested in computational linguistics and related areas!
欢迎对计算语言学/自然语言处理/语料库语言学/机器翻译/认知科学感兴趣的本科同学加入本组! 特别欢迎有计算机或心理学、认知科学背景的同学。
Lab members
- Hai Hu: Assistant Professor at SFL, SJTU
Graduate students:
- Yikang Liu: master student in linguistics at SFL, SJTU
- Ziyin Zhang (BS in CS/BA in English, SJTU; master student in CS, SJTU)
- Juhui Zhu: MA in translation
- Jiayi Liu: MA in translation
Undergraduate students:
- Hongao Zhu (English, SJTU)
- Yeting Shen (English, SJTU)
- Siyuan Song (English, SJTU)
- Chongtian Shao (Info Engineering, SJTU)
- Xinyang Zhou (Chinese, SJTU)
- Kejia Zhang (English, SJTU)
- Yufan Gai (German, SJTU)
- Zhiheng Qian (German, SJTU)
Previous lab members
- Shisen Yue (2024 English, SJTU; PhD student in Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins U)
- Jieqiong Ding (2024 English/Design, SJTU; Master student in HCI at U Washington)
- Xinyuan Cheng (2024 German, SJTU; MA student in Computational Linguistics at LMU, Germany)
- Xiaojing Zhao (2024 MA in Transltaion, SJTU; PhD student in Translation at PolyU)
- Chunhao Wang (2023 BA in English/BS in Math; master student at UC Berkeley)
- Minghua Wu: MA student in Chinese at PKU(research assistant at PolyU, HK)
- Jingyan Xie: BA student in English at FDU (master student at Northeastern U, USA)